Monday, August 29, 2011

Gastric Bypass

September 10th, 2011

Just in time to combat the obesity in the United States, comes a new operation called a Gastric Bypass, which is now preferred by over-weight people. This is due to the fact that the gastric bypass takes the pounds off. It reduces the stomach, therefore you get full quicker and you eat less, so you lose weight in a constant manner. Also it is revealed that this surgery reverses type 2 diabetes on most people. New research reveals other positive effects of the surgery; it may reduce heart problems, breathing problems, and low blood pressure. Of course this surgery may not always succeed, the patient might regain all the weight they’ve lost, and about 10% of surgeries have a high risk of complicating, meaning that it can end in infections, blood clots, and even the need to go into another surgery. Gastric bypass redirects food around most of the stomach and the upper small intestine. Gastric banding, the next most popular weight-loss surgery, places a band around the stomach to limit its size. Bypass’ strengths come from hormonal switches flipped by diverted food.

This article talks about the specifications of the gastric bypass surgery and its cons and pros.

This article interested me, because I had already heard about this surgery, and I was interested in hearing about it. At first I didn’t pay much attention to it in the web page, but then, I realized that it may be something more interesting than what it portrayed in the picture. When I started reading it, I realized that it was a very interesting article, that people should really read, even though it has nothing to do with their lives, they should read it, because it’s important to know what is going on in the medical field. I believe that obesity is something that can’t be cured unless it’s done by surgery, and it’s good to know that doctors have developed this surgery in order to reduce the obesity in the United States. Obesity is a big problem that occurs everywhere in the world, and each day we are more exposed to it, so I think that it’s very important that everyone knows the consequences about being obese, and what might occur to you.

I can relate this article to my life, because one of my cousins got this surgery. She didn’t exactly suffer of overweight, but was chubby, and the doctor suggested that because her dad had diabetes and it ran in the family, to get this surgery, that would reduce her stomach, therefore she would be fuller even though she didn’t eat as much, and maybe she would be able to reverse the diabetic trait that she had. So when I read this article, I found out exactly what had happened to my cousin, and I comprehended now why she ate less food than before.

The area of interaction I can relate this to, is Health and Social Education. I believe this because, it is talking about something that is mostly happening in the social community of the US, and is something that should be taught to everybody, because it’s important that people stay healthy and know what may happen to them if they do not take care of their bodies, and do not eat the right things, and do not make enough exercise. It’s important for everyone to know this and that is why, I chose health education to be the area of interaction of this post.